Below is a transcript of their interview, hope you enjoy it, I certainly did!!
It starts with host, Dominic talking about the listeners who are tuning in from around the world as he's had people tweeting in from lots of different locations!
DT: So hello guys how are you?
They all reply 'Hello'
DT: Thanks for calling, you guys are in Philly now right?
TR: We are and eating Philly cheese steaks!
DT: Is that your favourite so far?
MA: Yea we've been out searching for the best ones today.
RH: It's between that and Boston cream pie!
DT: You guys performed last night, correct?
RH: Yeah it was fantastic, we did a little gig in Sellarsville to about 300 people and it was just so awesome to be at intimate places with the fans literally right there, so yeah it was fantastic. We did a huge meet and great afterwards and met everyone which I think went on longer than the gig possibly but was absolutely unreal!
DT: That's awesome, now just a little background as some of our listeners may not know, you guys won Britain's Got Talent, correct?
Collabro: That's right yeah.
DT: Awesome, not a lot of groups can say they made Simon Cowell stand up!
TR: Yeah, well actually a little story about that, we got out first standing ovation from Simon Cowell and then within the show we got two more which was amazing! We've since done some corporate gigs while he's been there and I've unashamedly been counting up the standing ovations and we're into double digits now, I think 11 or 12, it's a point of pride for me I guess.
DT: That's awesome, Simon Cowell, he comes to America a lot for America's Got Talent and American Idol so he does a lot of stuff like that.
So members of the group are Michael, Richard, Jamie, Matt and Thomas. So out of the whole group who is the youngest?
MA: Richard is the youngest.
RH: I'm 22.
DT: Ok, you were born in December, right?
RH: Yeah December 1st 1993.
DT: Perfect, I'm a 90's baby too!
RH: Hey, how about that!
DT: So where are you guys all from?
TR: We're all from the UK but, different places, I think the most north is Matt from Carlisle and the most south will be...
RH: Me, I'm from Brighton.
TR: Mmm
DT: Nice, nice.
DT: So give me a little information about the song you sung for Britain's Got Talent that made everyone go nuts. I know it was from a musical but please elaborate.
MA: So the song we sung was called 'Stars' and it's from Les Miserables which is collectively our favourite musical. We were originally going to sing 'Bring Him Home' which is actually one of the more well known songs from the musical. But when we got together, in a room above a pub and started singing together we thought, you know, we really need to take this to Britain's Got Talent and erm we just decided a couple of days before the audition that we wanted to sing Stars because we wanted to do something just slightly different. We wore t-shirts and jeans because we are young boys in our 20's and we just wanted to let the music speak for itself!
DT: That's awesome! So that was recorded for TV right?
MA: Yes, we were at the Hammersmith Apollo in London and we recorded it in the February and it was played in the April on TV.
DT: Ok and then you guys were in the live finale?
JL: Yeah, we did the semi final first where we actually went through with 64% of the votes out of 11 acts which was unbelievable, it's actually a record I think. Then when we did the final we won with a really large percentage again so we were really shocked and we never really dreamed that we would win! We just kinda wanted to get our music out there to a bigger audience and it's been an amazing ride!
DT: So who was it who started on You Tube?
TR: Oh we found Richard on You Tube when we were trying to get band members together and he was actually singing 'Bring Him Home' and we heard him and we knew we had to have him!
DT: It's such a small world cos you guys did a collaboration with Casey Breves, correct?
Collabro: Yeah
DT: Ok, I interviewed him on this show too! So I just found that out yesterday when I was going through your You Tube and I saw Casey and I couldn't believe it! He's great and you guys should get together more when you come to America!
TR: Yeah, last time we came over to America we were in New York and then we flew over the LA to do a little You Tube track with him, you know, he's just the nicest guy! When we were in New York we did a meet and greet there and we had people come up to us and say 'Oh you know I flew over all the way from LA' and we went 'Did you know we're doing a show in LA' and they went 'Yeah, we're coming to that as well' so erm it was just a nice thing for us to hear, we did love being in LA and we loved doing the video with Casey!
DT: That's awesome and LA's awesome, that's where I'm going to after I graduate!
DT: Guys what is your favourite song right now that's on your You Tube channel, I'm gonna play one after the interview, what should I play?
JL: We actually really love 'Somewhere only we know' it's one of our lesser known ones but, it's starting to do really well on our Vevo channel, so check that out!
DT: Cool, well guys thanks for coming on and err I know you guys were huge cos I'm just a small town radio station like I don't have lots of followers but the minute I tweeted out that you guys were coming on my Twitter like blew up for like 24 hours!
The guys all laugh!
DT: I went from 450 followers to 730 and now I've been getting emails from different radio stations around New York that want to know more about you so you guys are gonna eventually get there, you guys are already here but guys are gonna get to that next level!
TR: We love being over here.
RH: Yeah, we really want to and the fans keep saying to us when's the next time you're coming out and obviously we don't know yet but we want to come back out as soon as possible and keep doing these gigs and keep making new music because it's just a delight to be able to do what we love for a job.
DT: Cool
DT: You guys are going on tour in the UK, correct?
Collabro: Yeah we are.
TR: We're going on tour from the end of February to April, we're doing loads of venues all up and down to UK. One at the Royal Albert Hall which is one of the biggest venues in London actually!
DT: Cool guys, thank you very much for coming on, it was a pleasure!
Collabro: Thank you very much!
Dominic plays 'Somewhere only we know' which is now one of my favourites!! Really hope they do this on tour and on their next album...what do you think?!
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Collabro in America! |
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